Global Mental Health and Well-Being Initiative


An interdisciplinary coalition of faculty, staff and students at Georgetown University to conduct research, develop pedagogy, and engage in informed activism and advocacy to improve mental well-being and psychosocial outcomes locally, nationally, and globally. 

We envision global mental health and well-being with a expansive and inclusive framing. With mental health, we incorporate constructs of well-being and flourishing, alongside ideas and experiences of distress and suffering. Simultaneously, we adopt a more fluid and inclusive definition of global to recognize how global flows of power, people, information, and things, are constantly in flux, and how global and local are irrevocably connected in an ever-globalizing world. 

World Mental Health Day, 2024

A Video Message from Georgetown Students

Every Hoya cares! These caring Hoyas share their thoughts for World Mental Health Day. If you or someone you know is looking for mental health support, check out the resources on our Every Hoya Cares page: 

Featured Event: 2024 Art Exhibition!

A student-led and student focused exploration of art inspired by mental health and well-being

Featured Research Projects


The Assessing the risk of Climate Change on popuLatIon Mental and physicAl healTh outcomEs - ACCLIMATE - study seeks to examine the role of emotional dysregulation and sleep disruption as potential mediating mechanisms between climate related stressors such as heat and humidity and adverse mental health outcomes in Bangladesh. The study will also examine if climate related stressors are connected to higher risk of suicide, and if such stressors have a role in synergistic interactions between mental health conditions and a range of physical illnesses. 

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Ecological Grief in Kenya

This study is conducting ethnographic research in Kilifi, Kenya exploring perceptions of community members around ecological grief in response to loss/degradation of the surrounding environment, anticipated future losses, and disruptions to local knowledge systems, and potential connections of environmental distress with more serious conditions such as depressive and anxiety disorders. 

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Picture of boats with Senegalese flags on a riverbank with a rural house in the background


The REducing STress via sOcial pRotEction - RESTORE - study seeks to understand local idioms of distress, mechanisms of stigma, and lived experience of distress and disorder in rural and urban Senegal. Using this knowledge RESTORE will culturally adapt, implement, and assess the feasibility and acceptability of a community-based mental health intervention called Self help Plus, to be delivered by trained nonspecialists and integrated into existing social protection and poverty reduction initiatives.

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